Monday, July 31, 2006

Lebanon Situation Goes From Bad to Worse

On Sunday the Israeli air force bombed a building in Qana and killed 57 people, mostly women and children. These people were sheltering in the basement of the building so that they would not face death at the hands of Israeli bombs. The fact that the Israeli armed forces would blatantly drop a bomb on a building full of women and children on the excuse that there might have been a few Hezbollah fighters in the building is absolutely unconscionable. Once again, the government of claims that the strike was not deliberate and that it feels "deep regret" but if they really felt any remorse for what they did, all bombing of Lebanon would cease forever, not just the forty-eight hours promised by Israel. Killing the civilians of Lebanon is not the way to disarm Hezbollah; it is not a good way to ensure the security of the people of Israel. All that killing innocent people in Lebanon will do is provide more recruits for Hezbollah and build more antipathy towards Israel among the people of the Middle East.

And yet the U.N. Security Council, stuck firmly in the pocket of the Bush Administration, refuses to condemn the crimes that Israel is committing in Lebanon. All they do is call for a ceasefire that will create the conditions for a lasting peace. What that means is that Israel gets everything it wants: Hezbollah disarmed, soldiers returned and part of Lebanon occupied while Lebanon gets nothing, just the hope that Israel might one day withdraw. While a lasting peace in the region is of course desirable, the people of Lebanon need a cease fire now. The United States wishes to buy more time for Israel to reshape the Middle East in an image pleasing to Washington. Well guess what, that isn't going to happen. Resistance to the aggression of Israel and the U.S.A. will strengthen and yet more people, on both sides, will die. It is not acceptable that this should continue.

Every government in the world should denounce the aggression of Israel in Lebanon for what it is, blatant expansionism and imperialism. The capturing of two Israeli soldiers, who may or may not have been inside Lebanese territory, is not grounds for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of Lebanese civilians.

How can the death of children ever be justified? How can the capturing of soldiers justify the deaths of innocent people? How would we feel if we saw our children dead in the rubble every day?


Days Remaining In Bush Presidency: 904

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