Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Isreal Expands Lebanon Invasion. Again.

Isreal has decided to send yet more soldiers into Lebanon and to occupy the country up to Lahani river. And surpise, surprise, the Bush Administration has nothing to say on the matter. This plan would see the Israeli army occupy a massive swath of southern Lebanon, including the city of Tyre. This is unnacceptable. How can Israel possibly justify this? How can the United States sit by and not even comment on the aggression of Isreal?

Because these are the "birth pangs" of the "new Middle East" according to a U.S. government statement issued at the beginning of invasion. Even CNN has been reporting that this new influx of troops means at least a month more heavy fighting in Lebanon. This is illegal aggression. This is the Israel making territorial aggrandizement under the guise of defeating Hezbollah. But Hezbollah was already joining the political process in Lebanon. It was a part of the legitimately elected government of Lebanon. Hezbollah was less of a threat to Israel than it had ever been. And yet there is this invasion. The citizens of Lebanon, close to a thousand of them, are paying the price for the territorial expansion of Israel.

The citizens of the world must continue to stand up and say "NO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT!" The people of Lebanon must know that we stand with them against illegal Israeli aggression; against illegal Israeli occupation and against the illegal Israeli closure of southern Lebanon to humanitarian aid. There was a reason that Israel deliberately destroyed the U.N. observer force. It is because they do not want to be observed! We must say no! This cannot go on. Violence breeds hate, which breeds more violence. But peace breeds understanding and reconciliation. Peace brings the chance for everyone to live a normal life. I am sure that most of the citizens of Lebanon want peace, just as I am sure that most of the citizens of Israel want peace. But you cannot bring peace through war. It does not work like that.

Days Remaining in Bush Presidency: 895

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