Sunday, January 18, 2009

Israel Declares Unilateral Ceasefire (Sort Of)

Today the Israelis finally called a halt to their offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza. The Israelis have said that they are ending offensive operations so long as their soldiers in Gaza don't come under attack. On the face of it, that sounds reasonable. But you have to dig a bit deeper to find the major problem with what is going on here.

Functionally, the Israelis have re-occupied Gaza. Their troops have taken up positions across the strip, and it has been declared that they are not leaving any time soon. The Israelis have regressed the situation to what it was prior to the evacuation of Gaza by Ariel Sharon, and that is not an acceptable state of affairs.

Hamas has vowed to keep fighting until Israeli soldiers leave, and the siege of the Gaza strip is lifted. They are entirely within their rights to resist an illegal occupation.

Israel has essentially made a play for the moral high ground through this action. Unfortunately, the brutality of the Israeli state has foreclosed on any such possibility. By killing 1200+ Palestinians in three weeks, the Israelis have forfeited any claim to moral superiority, especially when many of those killed, if not most were non-combatants/civilians and children. Neither side is morally perfect in this war, but at least the Palestinians are fighting for national liberation (the vast majority are not fighting to drive the Israelis into the sea). The Israelis are fighting for the right to subjugate millions of people for territorial aggrandizement and settlement lands, as well as for domestic political consumption for the coming elections. One is a rather more ethical struggle than the other.

We shall see if Israel successfully maintains this sham end to the war. Hamas may not let them.

Days Remaining in Bush Presidency: 2

[Update] Well, it looks like I spoke a little precipitously. Hamas has now declared a week long ceasefire and says that Israel should use the time to withdraw its soldiers and lift the siege.

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