Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tell Me Again how the Occupation is Going Well

The New York Times is reporting that in 2008 civilian deaths in Afghanistan rose by forty percent. 40%!

This should put the lie to the bullshit spun by imperialists and colonialists who support the occupation of Afghanistan. When we look at these numbers, we also need to bear in mind that the occupying powers routinely deflate the number of civilian dead by citing many of those killed by the occupation powers as suspected enemy combatants. Killed a child? He was holding a grenade. Blew up a wedding? It was actually a terrorist cover. Shot up a car full of kids? They refused to stop when you screamed at them in English which they don't understand.

The occupation is a colossal scam job. It is a neo-colonialist adventure inscribed on the bodies of the Afghans, whether it is those killed by high altitude bombs, or those tortured into psychosis at Bagram Airbase or Guantanamo Bay. Installing a former Unocal executive a man with highly limited experience (his highest post in any government before 9/11 being deputy foreign minister) as President, and then keeping him in place through elections organized and run by occupying powers is a sham. You can't have free and fair elections under occupation.

But of course, the interest in free and fair elections is part of the myth. If they tried to sell the occupation as securing a pipeline route for oil from the Caspian Sea or as a device to hand over colossal amounts of money to private contractors running a private war, the public would have none of it. Only by running a campaign of lies has public consent for the occupation been mobilized.

Bring the occupation army home now. No more death, no more lies for capitalism.

Thanks to anonymous for the comment below, and I've edited this piece to incorporate that, as well as for a few little spelling errors.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:27 p.m.

    Great post, but a couple of quibbles re: Karzai. Be careful repeating the claim that he was a "former UNOCAL executive" - there's no evidence for it and the whole thing was likely a misprint in one newspaper (probably mistaking him for Zalmay Khalilzad).

    As for experience, he had been involved with the Mujahadeen throughout the 1980's and was a minister in the post-communist Afghan government in the early 1990's.
